Sponsorship Opportunities
- Membership:
- Complimentary NCCBA memberships (5)
- NCCBA Website:
- Your company logo and website hyperlink on the NCCBA website
- A description of your company on the NCCBA Sponsor Page
- NCCBA Events:
- Your company logo included at all events
- Distribute company literature at 5 events
- 10 tickets for company employees, clients, and guests
- Pitch your company or provide brief introductory remarks at 5 events
- Participate as a panelist, or keynote speaker at 3 events
- Join NCCBA Board in hosting international business delegates
- Membership:
- Complimentary NCCBA memberships (3)
- NCCBA Website:
- Your company logo and website hyperlink on the NCCBA website
- NCCBA Events:
- Your company logo included at all events
- Distribute company literature at 3 events
- 6 tickets for company employees, clients, and guests
- Pitch your company or provide brief introductory remarks at 3 events
- Membership:
- Complimentary NCCBA memberships (3)
- NCCBA Website:
- Your company logo and website hyperlink on the NCCBA website
- NCCBA Events:
- Your company logo included at all events
- Distribute company literature at 3 events
- 6 tickets for company employees, clients, and guests
- Pitch your company or provide brief introductory remarks at 3 events
Luncheon Sponsor
- Membership:
- Complimentary NCCBA memberships (1)
- NCCBA Website:
- Your company logo and website hyperlink on the NCCBA website
- NCCBA Events:
- Your company logo included at all events
- Distribute company literature at 1 luncheon event
- 2 ticket for company employees, clients, and guests
- Pitch your company or provide brief introductory remarks at 1 luncheon event
All sponsors are entitled to exclusivity for a category of specific services. The NCCBA agrees not to enter into other sponsorship relationships in said category for one year. Sponsorship is renewable based on mutual terms.
Click here to download the sponsorship package.
For customized sponsorship opportunity, please email info@nc-cba.org.