Contact: President Jiarui Li /


Alexandria Real Estate Campus 6 Davis Dr., Durham

解读CRS形势下的中美跨境税务问题 CRS涉及到方方面,包括税务、法律、贪腐、资产配置、境外保险、家族信托、私募基金、P2P、财富管理从业人员、移民等。随着国际税收体制的变革和不断发展,财税对跨境事务的影响不容小觑,我们专业人士应当积极响应G20峰会上针对税收相关的号召,加强对于国际税收的研究,从不同的视角改进工作方法,积极参加国际交流,从而开启拓展海外业务的新局面。 “美国三角会计师事务所”的牛志文教授将就CRS形势下的中美财税政策为大家做出深度解读。中美税制有何差异?中国人可以享受哪些美国税务优惠?中国公司在美国上市有哪些注意事项?在CRS背景下如何更好地进行资产规划规避全球征税?这些都将不再是难题,让我们共同期待! 日期: 10/05/2018,星期五. 时间: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM 场地: Alexandria Real Estate Campus, 6 Davis Dr. Durham, NC 27709 费用: NCCBA会员 $5 (pizza and water),不是NCCBA会员 $15(注册费: $10 + pizza and water: […]

$5.00 – $15.00

DISCLAIMER: North Carolina Chinese Business Association (NCCBA ) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. NCCBA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments. No sales or advertisement of individual company’s product should be solicited at any NCCBA event.