Contact: President Jiarui Li /
Eric Musico
Director of Business and Economic Development
ARCO Design/Build
Eric works for ARCO Design/Build, a general contractor specializing in helping customers expand their businesses through thoughtful design and seamless construction. The number one design-build contractor in the US, ARCO builds more manufacturing and distribution industrial buildings than anyone else in the country. As Director of Business and Economic Development, Eric focuses on helping clients and communities grow. He works with them to understand the potential and risks of their sites, as well as to design solutions to meet their business needs. His focus is on Foreign Direct Investment—helping bridge the gap in knowledge that foreign companies face when expanding their manufacturing in the States.
Eric was born and raised in Texas, where he attended the University of Texas in Austin. He lived in Houston and Calgary (briefly) before moving to Raleigh in 2021. His work takes him all over the country and world, and he’s happy to help companies hoping to land anywhere in the US.
🔹 你是否在考虑房地产投资或土地开发?
🔹 你是否想从建筑商的角度了解如何评估土地的价值?
🔹 你是否想结识行业专家、企业家和专业人士,拓展人脉?
土地的价值可能因地段、用途(zoning)、是否有水电/下水道、是否为“锁地”(landlocked)等因素而 千差万别,同样的面积,价格可能相差数倍!本次活动将由全美领先的设计建造承包商代表Eric Musico为您解读这些关键影响因素,帮助您更精准地判断土地价值,规避风险,并优化开发策略。
11:30:00 AM-11:59AM: Sponsors Business Expo, Networking & Business Cards Dropping for Raffle Prizes. Non-sponsors can purchase a booth to click here.
11:45AM: Lunch Starts.
12:00-12:08PM: President Opening Remark
12:08PM-12:13PM: Sponsor/Member Spotlight
12:13PM-12:15PM: Guest Speaker Intro.
12:15PM-12:50PM: Guest Speaker Presentation.
12:50PM-1:00PM: Raffle Prizes & Closing.
1:10PM-1:30PM: Networking
Where: Classroom A, 800 Frontier, 800 Park Offices Drive RTP, NC, 27709 . 1st floor, find the elevator, then turn left. Make a right turn, Classroom A will be on your right.
Members: Free (Annual membership is only $200 and covers 10+ events, become a member to click here).
Non-Members: $25
Please register at least 2 days before the event so we can order enough food for the event.
Registration: Online Registration. Obtain a ticket by clicking the Add to cart button to order a “Member-Only Ticket” (2025-year membership is only $200 and covers 10+ events, become a member to click here).
Non-Members: $25 or “Non-Member Paid Ticket $25” through our shopping cart on the event page.
Event Website Link:
Language: English
NCCBA Sponsors:
DISCLAIMER: North Carolina Chinese Business Association (NCCBA ) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. NCCBA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments. No sales or advertisement of individual company’s product should be solicited at any NCCBA event.