Contact: President Jiarui Li /
时间:2019.1.29 5:30pm – 8:00pm
地点:北卡州州长官邸 Governor’s Executive Mansion
200 N Blount St, Raleigh, NC 27601-1073 (Parking is free after 5pm for the official parking spaces around the Mansion)
票价Ticket Price:会员member:$75, 非会员Non-Member: $100
名额限制50个 Limit to the first 50,按报名顺序(请尽早报名,截止日期:1/20)
主办单位: NCCBA
协办单位: CAECA(美中经文协会),CCCC(南北卡商会)
备注: 1. 报名时请提供准确姓名,并携带ID以便通过官邸安检进入会场。2. 请正装出席。
DISCLAIMER: North Carolina Chinese Business Association (NCCBA ) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. NCCBA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments. No sales or advertisement of individual company’s product should be solicited at any NCCBA event.