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NCCBA – BizForum《商业论坛》系列:创业与发展的历程
凭着勤劳和智慧,许许多多的北美华人通过创新创业在事业发展方面取得了卓越的成绩,实现了”美国梦”。我们北卡三角区是全美高科技人才最为集中的区域之一,素有”东部硅谷”的美称。三角区的华人中有许多创新创业的人才,他们非常努力,具有创新开拓意识,富有热情且执着坚韧,在创新与创业路上不停探索。NCCBA作为服务于北卡华人企业的非盈利性组织,一直积极为华人企业和华人企业家提供极有价值的信息和活动。这一次,NCCBA商务论坛(NCCBA – BizForum)又非常荣幸地邀请到了南北卡地区杰出的两位华人企业家代表来为大家分享他们在”创业与发展”方面的故事和经验。如果您想向成功企业家学习如何实现自己”创业与发展”的梦想,如何面对和解决您”创业与发展”路上碰到的问题和挑战,甚至寻求您目前”创业与发展”路上具体问题的解答,这次活动您不容错过。
James Zhou, TechExcel公司的共同创始人之一,研发部副总裁兼首席运营官,NCCBA董事会成员。TechExcel创立于于1995年,总部设在美国加州拉法叶(Lafayette, CA),并在北卡州,英国和中国设有分支机构。公司提供整合信息科技服务管理(ITSM),客户关系管理(CRM)以及应用流程管理(ALM)等问题的解决方案。 公司在全世界的42个国家拥有超过1500个企业客户。James在产品设计、应用开发和产品投放管理方面拥有超过20年的专业经验。他成功领导团队开发企业流程管理软件工具并获得多个奖项,是行业内少数可以真正统合商业流程与产品开发技术的专家之一。
在加入TechExcel公司之前,James在卡特彼勒(Caterpillar, Inc)公司信息服务系统部担任首席软件工程师。并曾在Synon(现CA科技公司)公司担任高级软件工程师。James在堪萨斯州立大学(KSU)取得计算机与信息科学硕士学位。
James Zhou is one of the co-founders of TechExcel, started in 1995 and headquartered in Lafayette, California with additional offices in North Carolina, the United Kingdom, and China. TechExcel provides integrated IT service management (ITSM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solutions. It maintains over 1,500 customers in more than 42 countries worldwide.
Mr. Zhou serves as the Chief Operation Officer and Vice President of Research & Development. He has led teams to successfully implement award-winning software tools for business process management. He has over 20 years experiences in product specification and design, application development and product release management. He is one of the rare individuals who can truly unite business processes and product development techniques.
Prior to joining TechExcel, he worked as a Lead Software Engineer for the Service Information Systems Division of Caterpillar, Inc. and as senior software engineer at Synon (now CA Technologies). Mr. Zhou received master’s degree in computing and information science from Kansas State University.
Jeff Wang 博士先后于北卡罗莱纳州立大学(NCSU)取得计算机科学硕士以及气象科学与海洋学的博士学位。在职业生涯的早期, 王博士曾在多家知名企业,包括洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)以及北电网络公司(Nortel Networks)担任管理职务。2002年高科技泡沫破灭之后,他所在的北电网络公司在公司破产重组之时进行了大规模的裁员。王博士决定在公司裁员后开始组建自己的企业。在下海后的15年里,王博士的业务范围涉及政府合同,信息技术开发与维护,教育,医疗器械进出口,医疗器械制造,房地产投资,房地产中介,贷款中介以及公司财务会计等诸多领域。目前他拥有医疗器械制造,房地产投资,房地产和贷款经纪,以及公司财务会计等多个公司。他的商业版图和足迹遍布全球,践行着在业务发展上“保持灵活、实现协作和控制风险”等独有的企业经营理念。
Jeff Wang,Ph.D. graduated from North Carolina State University with a Ph.D. in atmospheric science and oceanography and a master in computer science. In his early career, he was a successful corporate senior manager in several corporations including Lockheed Martin and Nortel Networks. In 2002, in the wake of the high tech bubble bursting, he was laid off by Nortel Networks in the brisk of a chapter 11 bankruptcy. He then chose to continue his career by starting his own business. During the years, he has done business in government contracting, IT development and support, education, medical devices import/export, medical device manufacturing, real estate investment, real estate brokerage, mortgage loan brokerage, and corporate financial accounting. His business foot print is all over the world. 15 years later, he is now the owner of several businesses working in medical device manufacturing, real estate investment, corporate financial accounting, and real estate brokerage and mortgage loan origination. Dr. Wang’s philosophy of business is the one focusing on agility, collaboration, and risk management.
Dr. Wang also believe in giving back to the community. He is a long-time volunteer for NCCBA and Cary Chinese School and Asian American Journalist Association North Carolina Chapter. He also volunteered in many important local events such as the “Hongbin Gu for Chapel Hill Council” which elected the first Chinese American local councilwoman in North Carolina.
DISCLAIMER: North Carolina Chinese Business Association (NCCBA ) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. NCCBA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments. No sales or advertisement of individual company’s product should be solicited at any NCCBA event.